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The Nation's Leader in Quality Book Binding
& Post Press Services Since 1985

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Poet by the sea with a journalAre you cultivating your next big idea? Maybe it’s a novel that you’ve been sitting on for the past five years, or maybe it’s something fresh that just came to you. Either way, you need to write it down before it slips through your fingers; this could be your next big break. Now, every good author has a pile of journals that they scribble their thoughts in. Choosing the right journals is all part of the process. Today we’re going to be taking a look at some journal styles that might pique your interest. Let’s get started. Read more »


Senior woman reading Bible, holding spectacles, close-up of handsThere is something rather special about books that have passed through your family for generations. When you hold them and flip through their pages, you can feel the years that have gone by and the people who are no longer with you. Old bibles, prayer books, and hymnals often reconnect us to our roots and remind us where we’ve come from no matter what creed we follow. Today we’re going to be talking about Bible repair and how you can revitalize your family’s history. Let’s get started. Read more »


Group of young people with Chinese architecture in background, portrait.Folks are claiming that millennials don’t read like other generations and that when they do, they only read e-books. Though many millennials do certainly take advantage of the benefits that eBooks can offer, they’re actually out-reading older generations. According to the Atlantic, “Some 88 percent of Americans younger than 30 said they read a book in the past year compared with 79 percent of those older than 30.” This statistic should give you hope that print books aren’t going anywhere at all. Libraries, on the other hand, are changing. Let’s take a look at what’s happening. Read more »


Round bookshelfWhen you think of the quintessential book, you probably think of a big, hard back book. You may think about the books that you used to study in school. Maybe you think about the books that you used to lay out on your coffee table, filled with photos and maps. At the end of the day, what you’re probably thinking of is a book made with case binding. The classic look of a book made with case binding is timeless, but let’s see what really sets it apart in the book binding world. Read more »


Sometimes life can get messy, especially when we’re reading. There are lots of occasions where you’re having lunch while taking a look at your book, only to drop a bit of mayonnaise onto the cover. It happens. However, when you employ the protection of a dust jacket, you’ll find that your custom book is safe and sound. Today we’re going to be going over the kinds of scenarios where a dust jacket can save your custom book to help you assess whether or not you should invest in one. Let’s dive in! Read more »


A pile of books Whether you’re having a new book bound, or you have a special book that you want to immortalize, you have a lot of options for how you can customize. The first question you should ask yourself before you get started is why you’re getting these customizations so that you can choose the rights ones to make your favorite book extra special to you. Today we’re going to be going over some of the options that may pique your interest. Let’s take a look. Read more »


case bindingBooks are beautiful creatures within themselves, but there are a few things that we can do to enhance their visual appeal. Things like Japanese Ribbon Binding and custom artwork can do a lot to give your book some much needed flair, but there is a lot to say about the elegance of foil stamping. Today we’re going to be taking a look at foil stamping and giving you the knowledge you need to decide whether or not this style of embossing is right for your next custom book project. Let’s get started. Read more »


A mother and daughter reading togetherAs a parent, you are invested in your child’s future. You probably think about all of the amazing things that they’re going to achieve and how happy they’re going to be. Part of helping them achieve those accomplishments is laying the foundation for a high self-esteem and a strong vision for the future. Find out how a custom book can help ignite your child’s dreams. Read more »

paperback binding solutionsWhen you’re finally binding your hard work into a paperback book, you’ll want to choose the type of binding that works best for you.  Sometimes, the decision is simple–but, regardless, you should never be indifferent to the type of soft cover binding you choose.  There are many binding types that we offer at Advantage Book Binding, but in this week’s blog, we’re going to go over two very popular choices: PUR binding, and perfect binding.

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A gift book in a pretty boxValentine’s day is right around the corner and that means it’s time to get your significant other a gift to show them just how much you appreciate them. One way of showing someone you love that you care is by putting together a unique book for them. With the options that you will find here at Advantage Book Binding, you’re sure to find the perfect gift book for your sweetheart. Let’s take a look at some of your options. Read more »