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A new survey shows that a significant majority of K-12 teachers believe that their students learn best when information is presented to them on paper rather than a tablets, according to research gathered by the Paper and Packaging Board. The data was collected and compiled in “2015 The Annual Back-to-School Report” and showed that despite the prevalence of technology in today’s world, old fashioned paper is still the preferred way that most Americans learn. Find out more about the poll and its findings in today’s blog.


Students understand best when they use paper-based learning.

Students Do Best With Paper-Based Learning, Poll Shows

The Paper and Packaging Board’s poll was meant to find out more about the prevalence of use of paper in our increasingly digital world and explored its role in learning. Though it may seem that paper is becoming increasingly obsolete, the poll found overwhelmingly that a large majority of Americans rely on paper-based learning and prefer it that way.

The poll revealed that 80% of K-12 teachers responded that their students better understand information which is presented on paper than that which they receive in digital form such as on a computer. Many parents are also more likely to help their child with homework when it is in paper form instead of digital.

It was also found that 91% of Americans still use paper in their daily lives, most commonly in the form of books. A strong majority of 13-17 year olds are likely to carry books around with them often and 82% college students rely on paper when readying for an exam.

The poll raised the important point that paper remains an essential part of how we learn and that Americans, despite a love for technology that keeps growing, still see paper-based learning as an important part of their daily lives.

A recent study conducted by the Pew Research Center echoed many of these sentiments when it found that millenials overwhelmingly prefer real books over E-readers. You can learn more about the details and findings of that study in our recent blog on the topic.

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