News Ideas for the Bookstore
In recent years, bookstores, like many physical stores, have lost foot traffic off the street to virtual traffic online. There are a variety of reasons for this, from the convenience of online shopping to competitive online prices. Still, bookstores are not going away just yet. New ideas may ensure their place in the physical world by incorporating elements of the virtual space to create a best of both worlds kind of experience that appeals to everyone.
In this recent article from Intelligent Life magazine, the magazine enlists four well-known architecture and design firms to redesign bookstore. Each firm came up with its own take on the next generation bookstore, and the results are fascinating to read. But perhaps most interesting is Coffey Architects take on the prompt. Rather than taking the bookstore into the 21st century with digital interfaces and e-book libraries, Coffey created “the antithesis of an e-book emporium.” It would offer few books on the shelves, instead focusing on making your own book, “choosing the paper, ink, font, leather, even gold leaf – on antique presses and binders.”
The book you make might be one by the writer on stage, something you’ve written yourself…You’d do it to enjoy the pleasures e-books will have ceased to offer: the smell and feel of ink and paper, the heft of a hardback in your hands, a cover that’s a work of art. And the edition you take home would be unique.
Now there’s an idea that captures what physical books are really about. Check out the full article for more innovative bookstore designs.

Advantage Book Binding has been in the book binding business since 1985, when we were founded on the principle “we do a quality book on time.” Since then we’ve seen plenty of changes both in and out of the industry. While some have sounded the death knell for books and other physical media, we believe that the fact that we continue to be an industry leader into the 21st century is a testament not only to our longevity as a company but to that of our craft. We think it’s important to keep books and physical media on the shelves, which is why we dedicate ourselves to providing you with the highest quality book binding and post press services available.
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