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The Nation's Leader in Quality Book Binding
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great books Finding a new book to read can be a challenge. There are hundreds upon thousands of selections to choose from. If you’re a writer, this can be particularly important to help give you ideas and stimulate your creative writing style. Today we’re going to be talking about some really great books for people looking for a story that will stimulate your mind. Ready to take a look? Let’s do it.

Discover Haruki Murakami.

If you’re looking for highly complex and interesting literature, then look no further than Haruki Murakami. He is a Japanese writer who has enchanted millions of readers over the course of his career with dazzling tales of magic and imagination. A good book to start with is, “After Dark.” It is one of his shorter pieces that can help acclimate you to his style, which can be quite difficult. However, if you think you’re ready for his stronger works, then you can check out either “The Wind Up Bird Chronicle” or “1Q84.” Both of these are fascinating examinations of the human condition with strong characters and mind bending philosophical points.

Carl Sagan writes great books.

If you’re looking for a more non-fiction approach to mind expansion, then check out “Cosmos” by Carl Sagan. This book talks about the expansiveness of the universe. It talks about who we are in the grand scheme of the cosmos, where we have come from, and where we may end up going. If you’re looking for a journey to make yourself feel small and reevaluate your role as a part of the world around you, then this is a great book for you.

How can great books help you with self-publishing?

When it comes to being a great writer, you need to start with being a great reader. Seeing what amazing authors have done before you will help you to shape your own writing voice. See how the masters have dealt with subjects like time jumps, dialogue, and exposition. These ideas will help to keep you on track with your novel, cookbook, or other book. When you ready to self-publish, give us a call!


Advantage Book Binding can help you make your new book into a major success with binding!

Advantage Book Binding can help you take your book project to new heights, taking into consideration budget requirements to provide you with the most cost-effective and project-specific solution for you. Please contact us today for more information, and keep up with us on FacebookGoogle +Twitter, and LinkedIn. We can provide you with options for hardback or paperback books.