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Self-publishing has become more and more popular in recent years. Fewer authors are going through the traditional model of working with a publishing house to get their books out there as they begin to realize how much profit can be saved by working independently. Not all self-published books are created equal, however, and in 2016, certain trends will help some authors rise above the rest. If you are interested in self-publishing a book, read on to learn more about what 2016 will hold in store for self-published authors.


Self-Publishing Trends for 2016


  1. An emphasis on artisinal

Self-publishing has opened up a world of possibilities for writers who may not have been able to attract the support of a publishing company in the past. While the democratization of publishing has allowed more diverse voices to be given a platform, it also means that quality can be lacking. In 2016, expect to see more emphasis placed on quality: Beautifully bound hard and softcover books, expertly created cover art, and professional editing and proofreading will make it difficult to tell self-published authors apart from their more established brethren.

  1. Masterful marketing plans

While many self-published authors have mastered the art of overseeing the creation of a book from start to finish, many are still coming to grips with the amount of work that is required to get that book into the hands of readers. In 2016, expect to see more authors devoting significant amounts of time and thought to how they will market their book once it has been completed. Social media and personal websites are expected to be growing sources of marketing referrals. Even for self-published authors, it is important to treat writing as a business and developing a thoughtful, well-laid-out marketing plan will be invaluable in making your self-published book a success.

  1. Creative content and artful storytelling still reign supreme

At the heart of any self-published book should be quality content and in 2016, this lesson will only be heard more loudly. As more and more writers enter the world of self-publishing, it will be the quality of your content that truly allows your book to shine.

  1. Advantage Book Binding

Advantage Book Binding can help you take your book binding project to a new level, taking into consideration budget requirements to provide you with the most cost-effective and project-specific solution for you. Please contact us today for more information, and keep up with us on FacebookGoogle +Twitter, and LinkedIn.