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The Nation's Leader in Quality Book Binding
& Post Press Services Since 1985

2 Nashua Court, Baltimore, MD 21221

So you dusted off some old books recently only to find that they were in much worse condition than you left them. Fortunately, book repair is a viable option for books in almost any state of damage. You might think that your treasured volumes are beyond repair, but odds are that the professional book restoration team at The Book Boutique can do the job.

So how do books get damaged? And how can The Book Boutique help you breathe new life into a book that may be literally hanging by a thread? Keep on reading to find out!


We can repair your damaged books!

Book Damage and Book Repair

Book Damage

Most books become damaged due to long-term neglect. Most often, this is the result of improper care, especially having been stored in an environment in which books should not be stored. They may have been stored in boxes in the attic or the basement, neither of which are ideal environments for books. The temperature and humidity levels in these areas can fluctuate significantly over the course of the year, which will inevitably lead to degradation of the book over time.

So when you go down to the basement to grab a box of old books, you may be in for a nasty surprise. The covers may be warped, pages may be wrinkled. You might grab a book only to find that the binding has separated from the pages over time. What are you to do?

Well, first you’ll want to handle the book(s) very carefully, taking care not to do any more damage than has already been done. Next, get in touch with The Book Boutique!

Book Repair from The Book Boutique

The Book Boutique specializes in repair and restoration of old and damaged books. We can take your old, treasured volumes that have seen better days and restore them to their former glory. We know how important books are to you, because they’re incredibly important to us! That’s why we work with you to ensure your book comes back to you looking just the way you want it, and restored to last for many more years.

Do you have a book that needs to be repaired? Please contact The Book Boutique today. The Book Boutique is a division of Advantage Book Binding. Advantage Book Binding can help you take your book binding project to a new level, taking into consideration budget requirements to provide you with the most cost-effective and project-specific solution for you. Please contact us today for more information, and keep up with us on FacebookGoogle +Twitter, and LinkedIn.