Advice for Writers: How to Successfully Market Your Book

For writers. time is money. Here’s how to successfully market your book.
Once you have written and published your book, the next step is to sell it. Marketing your book, especially in particularly crowded genres, can be a daunting task. Fortunately, we have some advice for you that can help you stand out from the pack and become the next sensation that everyone is talking about.
Create a Budget
The phrase “time is money” might be trite, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Whenever books are turned into the next blockbuster film, a large portion of its production budget goes towards elaborate marketing materials and advertisements to raise awareness of the film’s release. Creating a realistic budget will help you promote interest in your book as well. Once you have set up your budget for your book, set aside 30% for marketing purposes. That said, remember to keep it simple, because you never know what might work.
Use Social Media
If you have an established fan base outside of your friends and families, then use that to your advantage. Reach out to fans and other avid readers through social media. Start a conversation and interact with the people who love your work. Don’t hesitate to share your failures as often as you share your successes. Find group pages where you think your book will have the most impact and start there.
Establish an Email Mailing List
If you don’t already have an email mailing list, then it’s time to set one up. Once you have one in place, have your readers sign up for it. All of your other outlets can be used as ways to help your mailing list grow – whether you have a dedicated website, active social media presence, or blogs and podcasts designed to focus on growing your presence as a professional writer. Update your readers on your progress, release excerpts, and promise members-only surprises and prizes for anyone who joins your email mailing list.
Keep Thinking Ahead
Once you’ve done all of these things, you need to keep thinking ahead. Once the launch date of your book has come and gone, there’s even more work on the horizon. Reflect on how you can improve your marketing efforts, and you may find that your next work is even more successful!
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